Sunday, April 22, 2012

Emerging Domestic Violence Issue

Emerging Domestic Violence Issue:

Recently the Violence Against Women Act was renewed but not without bipartisan opposition.  What makes this renewal different was the addition of a few differences to the original legislature which is what ultimately drew the opposition; basically the law extends protection to gays, lesbians and transgender individuals as well as raising the amount of visas available to legal and illegal victims of abuse.  The law would also authorize Native American officials to be able to handle abuse cases where a Native American woman is victimized by a Non Native American.  I thought that this was an important issue to address because times have definitely changed and Americans are much more accepting of differing sexual orientation, such as homosexuality, so our laws, especially this in particular, should address the changing times. 



Can Male Victims of Domestic Violence Get the Help They Need?

I chose this article because it shows the outcome of a survey/study done on male victims of domestic violence.  A few of the subjects that are addressed are the aggressive behaviors that occur in the surveyed men's relationships and the frequency of the events as well as what prevent the men from leaving the situation.


Image Credit:  The Men's Network

Video Clip:


I chose this video because it talks about the other side of domestic violence which is seldom addressed; men as the victims and women as their abusers.  

Site Providing Services:  

I chose this particular site because it offers resources such as books, pamphlets, online support and  information as well as information on shelters and counseling groups.  It also features abuse accounts submitted by actual victims.


by Matthew D. Leichty
...She never hit, she never struck,
So there was never any concern,
For she left no bruises,
No mark, no damage,
And she loved me the next day...

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

Article:  Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy

a.       I chose this particular article because it gives a very clinical and concise explanation of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy such as its symptoms, possible treatment and prognosis. 


Image Credit:  Brainwashing Children

Video Clip:

I chose this video clip because it featured an actual doctor giving the explanation for the syndrome as well as the doctor pointing out that the parent or caregiver inflicting the abuse is doing so for attention.

Site providing services:

I chose this particular site because the organization has been around for quite a while, since 1959, and it has several programs for child victims of abuse in several states such as community centers, foster care, group homes, residential facilities, and advocacy centers. 

Song Lyrics: 

Mother by Pink Floyd
...Hush now baby don't you cry
Mama's gonna make all of your
Nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here
Under her wing
she won't let you fly but she might let you sing...

Home Page


Hello everyone!  My name is Nicole Reddy and I am currently a student at UMUC majoring in Social Science.  The reason behind my creation of this blog is to inform people about a few of the types of domestic abuse we are currently studying in my BEHS 453 class.  Domestic violence happens behind closed doors and are events that are normally kept a secret by both the victim and the abuser; I am hoping that this blog can shed some light on a few types of domestic abuse and can possibly even help victims find the courage to seek and reach out for support, they need to know that the abuse is never their fault and that they aren't ever to blame for it!



Abuse and lies…no more…I am worth it!
by Luz Barbosa
he tells me not to look that way
he tells me not to dress that way
he tells me not to talk that way
he tells me not to act that way
he smacks me
he tells me I better shut up or else
he tells me I am worthless
he tells me my no’s are meaningless
he doesn’t care that I don’t want to or that I am crying
he tells me he loves me
he tells me I am his and I will always be, that he owns me
he tells me no one will ever love me like he does
he tells me I am stupid
he tells me I am a hoe
he tells me he will kill me
he sucks the life out of me
I finally had enough
I could not continue to live this way
I realized these were all lies
I decided this behavior was unacceptable
I finally got out
I was young
I didn’t know any better
I kept it to myself
I was ashamed
I lived in fear
I refuse to be controlled
I refuse be abused
I refuse to end up dead
I deserve to be safe
I deserve respect
I deserve to be loved
I deserve to be happy
I deserve to be free to be me
I deserve to be treated well
I am worth it!